Cherrycrush's Wheel
Author: kellynumberfan
Description Launch App Current Users

Short Description:

Cherrycrush's Wheel Application! Spin to win!

Full Description

Version 1.3

Concept by SweetDan

Spin the wheel to win a reward!

* !reward or !r - Show the list of Rewards to the requestor
* !winner or !w - Show the Broadcaster the list of winners
* !sr or !room - Room Message - message to the room with a specific background/font color
* !pm or !user - to send a specific person a message, instead of having to use PM tab
* NOTE: Use [AMOUNT] in the message to substitute the Cost Per Spin Amount.
* The Message will display during the !r/!rewards command or when the Message Timer expires (when applicable)

v1.2 added exact tip amount for spinning wheel
v1.3 Added Broadcaster controlled message and color for spin

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