Crazy Ticket - Pa
Author: padronantos11
Description Launch App Current Users

Short Description:

Crazy Ticket * Author: padronantos11

Full Description

--------------- COMMAND LIST ---------------

/buy - Explains how to buy a ticket.

/tickets - Shows a list of ticket holders.

/pass - Indicates if you have a show ticket.

/timeleft - Displays the remaining time on the 'time until show' timer.

/showtime - Displays the length of time a Hidden Cam show has been in progress.

/gift - Allows a viewer with a ticket to gift their ticket to another viewer. Type /giftinfo for more

/giftinfo - Detailed info on the /gift command

/new - Lists any new features in 'CrazyTicket'

/add or - Manually adds one or more viewers to ticket holder list. Type '/add ?' for expanded help.

/del - Manually removes from the ticket holder list. Type '/del ?' for expanded help.

/check or - Checks if the is a ticket holder. Type '/check ?' for expanded help.

/fcp - If fans have special ticket pricing, sends an advert to ONLY the fans in the room indicating the price.

/fcpa - If fans have special ticket pricing, sends the special pricing advert to everyone.

/plist - Displays a list of only the paid ticket holders in a list format.

/plistw - Displays a list of only the paid ticket holders in a wide format.

/alist - Displays a list of manually added ticket holders.

/aalist - Displays a list of auto-added ticket holders.

/vlist - Displays a list of ticket holders in the room.

/nrlist - Displays a list of ticket holders not in the room.

/ltlist - Displays a list of lifetime ticket holders.

/giftlist - Displays a list of gifted tickets.

/email - Tells 'CrazyTicket' to check for an email address in the tip note. Alerts the viewer, mods and broadcaster if email is missing

/hilite - Toggles the text highighting for ticket holders on/off. Type '/hilite ?' for expanded help.

/schat - Suppresses public chat during a 'hidden cam' show. Type '/schat ?' for expanded help.

/tipsoff - Suppresses the total tips display in the info panel. Type '/tipsoff ?' for expanded help.

/starttimer - Starts a show countdown timer for the number of specified.

/addtime - Adds time to the countdown timer. Negative numbers can used to subtract time.

/stoptimer - Stops the show countdown timer

/startshow - Starts a hidden cam show, letting only ticket holders see the cam feed

/stopshow - Stops any hidden cam show in progress, suspends ticket sales and returns to normal public mode.

/showover - Sends a 'nearing end of show' message to viewers entering the room during a Hidden Cam show. Type '/showover ?' for expanded help.

/showend - Clearly indicates to viewers that even though the room cam is still hidden, the show has ended and ticket sales have been suspended.

/newshow - Restarts ticket sales after a show has been ended. Does NOT clear existing tickets. Broadcaster must use /ctreset to clear all tickets

/subject - Allows mods to change the room subject. New subject is displayed verbatim.

/ctsubject - Allows mods to change the room subject. New subject is displayed with 'CrazyTicket:' leader and 'Type /cmds' trailer.

/ctn - Sends a one time notice to the chat.

/ctnd - Sends a one time public notice with divider lines.

/ctnh - Sends a one time public notice with highlighting.

/ctndh - Sends a one time public notice with divider lines and highlighting.

/ctm - Sends a private notice to the mods as a group.

/ctb - Sends a private notice to the broadcaster.

/ctbm - Includes the broadcaster in private messages between the moderators.

/ctt - Sends a private notice to all ticket holders.

/ctv - Sends a private notice to one viewer.

ctprice - Changes the ticket price to .

/ctreset - Clears all ticket holder lists and prepares 'CrazyTicket' for ticket sales for a new show.

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