CrazyTicket - Improved
Author: cbbotdev101
Description Launch Bot Current Users

Short Description:

Improved Version of CrazyTicket

Full Description

This is an Improved Version of CrazyTicket

This bot will greatly reduce the chance for lag during ticket show
This bot has also much higher security which makes it impossible for anyone to bypass

The most important commands:

/buy - Explains how to buy a ticket.
/tickets - Shows a list of ticket holders
/pass - Indicates if you have a show ticket.
/timeleft - Displays the remaining time on the 'time until show' timer.
/showtime - Displays the length of time a Hidden Cam show has been in progress.
/gift - Allows a viewer with a ticket to gift their ticket to another viewer. Type /giftinfo for more
/giftinfo - Detailed info on the /gift command
/new - Lists any new features in 'CrazyTicket - Improved Bot'
/add or - Manually adds one or more viewers to ticket holder list. Type '/add ?' for expanded help.
/del - Manually removes from the ticket holder list. Type '/del ?' for expanded help.
/check or - Checks if the is a ticket holder. Type '/check ?' for expanded help.
/fcp - If fans have special ticket pricing, sends an advert to ONLY the fans in the room indicating the price.
/fcpa - If fans have special ticket pricing, sends the special pricing advert to everyone.
/plist - Displays a list of only the paid ticket holders in a list format.
/plistw - Displays a list of only the paid ticket holders in a wide format.
/alist - Displays a list of manually added ticket holders.
/aalist - Displays a list of auto-added ticket holders.
/vlist - Displays a list of ticket holders in the room.
/nrlist - Displays a list of ticket holders not in the room.
/ltlist - Displays a list of lifetime ticket holders.
/giftlist - Displays a list of gifted tickets.
/hilite - Toggles the text highighting for ticket holders on/off. Type '/hilite ?' for expanded help.
/schat - Suppresses public chat during a 'hidden cam' show. Type '/schat ?' for expanded help.
/tipsoff - Suppresses the total tips display in the info panel. Type '/tipsoff ?' for expanded help.
/starttimer - Starts a show countdown timer for the number of specified.
/addtime - Adds time to the countdown timer. Negative numbers can used to subtract time.
/stoptimer - Stops the show countdown timer
/startshow - Starts a hidden cam show, letting only ticket holders see the cam feed
/stopshow - Stops any hidden cam show in progress, suspends ticket sales and returns to normal public mode.
/showover - Sends a 'nearing end of show' message to viewers entering the room during a Hidden Cam show. Type '/showover ?' for expanded help.
/showend - Clearly indicates to viewers that even though the room cam is still hidden, the show has ended and ticket sales have been suspended.
/newshow - Restarts ticket sales after a show has been ended. Does NOT clear existing tickets. Broadcaster must use /ctreset to clear all tickets
/subject - Allows mods to change the room subject. New subject is displayed verbatim.
/ctsubject - Allows mods to change the room subject. New subject is displayed with 'CrazyTicket:' leader and 'Type /commands' trailer.
/ctn - Sends a one time notice to the chat.
/ctnd - Sends a one time public notice with divider lines.
/ctnh - Sends a one time public notice with highlighting.
/ctndh - Sends a one time public notice with divider lines and highlighting.
/ctm - Sends a private notice to the mods as a group.
/ctb - Sends a private notice to the broadcaster.
/ctbm - Includes the broadcaster in private messages between the moderators.
/ctt - Sends a private notice to all ticket holders.
/ctv - Sends a private notice to on viewer.
/ctprice - Changes the ticket price to .
/ctreset - Clears all ticket holder lists and prepares 'CrazyTicket - Improved Bot' for ticket sales for a new show.

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