Viewers tip a specified amount to draw a poker hand. The main goal is triggered when a Royal Flush is drawn, subgoals are triggered when a flush is drawn.
Viewers tip the appropriate amount of tokens to draw a poker hand. Draw one of 4 Royal Flushes (A K Q J T all of the same suit) to achieve the main goal. Draw one of 32 flushes (all cards of the same suit) to achieve one of the subgoals (if subgoals is activated).
Odds: there are 192 possible hands in this game; 4 Royal Flushes (1 chance in 48) to draw and 8 flushes of each suit (1 chances in 24) to draw.
The app version uses the 'Panel' to display a rotating banner promotion. Use the bot version 'GR Draw Poker-bot' if you are already running an app.
Game Promotion displayed in the chat section as a 'Notice:' is triggered based on the number of messages sent by viewers not by the usual time delay.
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