Goal counter app with leaderboard, tipmenu, 'king' crowns, and wheel and lucky number games
OApp provides a simple goal counter app with options to display a top show tipper crown and user token counts. Tipping stats such as the top 10 leaderboard and total tokens can be reported using the /oastats command.
Features up to 10 custom rotating notices.
Up to two special tip icons allow icons to be displayed next to users that have tipped a specific amount i.e. so show they have tipped for something specific during a special show.
It also features the ability to set a 'target goal' number with optional tokens remaining to target goal notice.
For example to set the target goal to 100 use: /oasettargetgoal 100
Option to automatically set the room subject when the target goal (as set above) is reached. Set the Room subject (for revert) in settings to allow the subject to be restored to the preferred value with command /oarevertroomsubject.
When the show has ended use /oaendshow to stop the main rotating notices and replace them with the specified Show end notice, which can be used to send out a custom show ended message.
A tip menu with custom separators and colour schemes may be enabled with up to 30 items. This can be displayed at a specified interval and when the /tipmenu command is used.
Spin the wheel (beta). Improvements will be made to this feature but currently allows up to 40 prizes to be specified. Tips of a specified value spin the wheel allowing a maximum of 1, 2 or 3 spins in a single tip. The wheel notice interval and colour scheme can be specified.
Lucky Number (beta). Lucky number board with up to three additional prizes. Rather than stopping and starting the app, commands have been added to start, stop, reset the game as well as set prizes. Not setting an addition prize or setting its number outside the minimum/maximum number turns the prize off. The main prize must have a valid number for the game to start. Credit to bobodeluxe, for Lucky Number Game on which parts of this game were based.
At any time Moderators and Broadcasters may get a list of available commands using /oahelp.
Version History:
Added Lucky Number game that uses commands to set prizes, start and stop the game etc. The game can be turned off if other lucky number games are used instead.
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