//Summary /* Modification of ACOOLA's Keep It Going for tcky31 */
Modifed by jack_for_jill for Jack_for_jill. Credit goes to ACOOLA for original app.
Keep It Going tip jar app with added feature to restart app if the jar has been empty for a number of minutes set by model.
Small grace period built into app reset timer in case tip jar empties at the exact time a previous timer expires. The grace period is 1 second plus the number of seconds between each tip jar reduction.
Credit for this app goes to ACOOLA.
I have simply modified it for TCKY31, customizing it for her needs.
/* Update Log ----------------------------------------------------------------
Got rid of the horrible background color for biggest tipper.
Added Single Goal Tip Counter
Made it so that only the model or myself can use commands, since other mods were abusing it.
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