Short Description:
*UPDATE* Allows tip notes AND menu selection! Graphical Board As Well As Lots Of Added Features!
Full Description
This is my version of Battleship. Has a nice graphical layout so looks nicer than just the plain text, and allows the broadcaster to choose where the ships are placed, as well as randomly generated if they prefer. Fired shots are removed from the tip options menu, and display shows which ships are left. The graphics on the board also allow the display of destroyed ship, so there's no confusion on which hits are part of which ship.
Version 1.0.7 adds functionality to allow both the dropdown menu for playing battleship AND a text box for tip messages! To send a text based tip not message, the user must first type the command "/pm" to be added to the TipPM list, which will then allow his or her next message to be text based instead of the battleship menu. The broadcaster can also manually add a user to the list by running "/pm " which will add the specified user to the TipPM list. Version 1.0.7 also brings some other bug fixes and stability updates.
Some features I will be working on soon are adding ability for multi-goal gameplay, and a "mega-strike" high tip which hits all squares in a 3x3 grid, which will add a bit of interesting play for those big tippers!
Set-Up Notes
- Notification Delay is the time between that the automated notices. These give details of the game and what is happening. A recommended 4-5 minutes is a good delay between messages.
- Cost To Fire is self-explanatory, the minimum is 1, max is 50, recommended 10-20 for the optimal participation.
- Prizes are given in order as each ship is sunk. When all the ships are destroyed, the grand prize is awarded.
- Ships Position is either "Auto" for the computer placement of ships, or "Custom" which allows the broadcaster to choose where the ships are placed. The following options are for ship placement, and only used for custom positioning. Each ship has two fields, the first for the anchor point of the placement, the second for the direction. Placement is either Down or Right from the Anchor Point. Ex: Ship 1 anchor point is A2 facing down, the 2 length ship will be placed on A2 and B2. Ship 5 anchor point if G3 facing right, the length 5 ship will be placed on G3-G8.
App Commands
- /b shows the battleship board. If run by broadcaster or mod will send to everyone, otherwise to specific user.
- /shownotice (broadcaster or mod only) displays the room notice to everyone.
- /stats (broadcaster only) returns a stats list to the broadcaster with info about number of tips and tokens that session, as well as the number of shots, hits and accuracy.
- /hit [location] (broadcaster only) manually fires a shot. must be a valid location on the grid, so running "/hit a3" will fire a shot to A3.
- /pm or /pm [username] Allows user's next tip to include a text message tip note, instead of the dropdown battleship menu. Broadcaster can manually do this by including their username in the command.
Closing Information
This is version 1.0.7, and the app is constantly evolving. Any bugs or suggestions feel free to leave a comment or send me an email at
[email protected].
Also check out my other apps and bots!
Apps: Hi-Lo (Secret Number With Hints) | Wheel Of Wonder (coming soon!)
Bots: Big Brother Bot (AutoMod with TONS of features) | Passport (Hidden Cam With Accumulative Ticket Price)
- - 1.0.7 7/26/16 - Added functionality to allow both the dropdown menu for playing battleship AND a text box for tip messages! To send a text based tip not message, the user must first type the command "/pm" to be added to the TipPM list, which will then allow his or her next message to be text based instead of the battleship menu. The broadcaster can also manually add a user to the list by running "/pm [username]" which will add the specified user to the TipPM list. Version 1.0.7 also brings some other bug fixes and stability updates.
- 1.0.6 5/12/16 - Added command to manually fire a shot. Run into too many times where a user forgets to choose a location when tipping, or accidentally tips the wrong amount this allows you to fix it if needbe. Also added some "Anti-Theft" code since someone has been copying my code and re-branding it... If you have any issues with running the newer version, just let me know!- 1.0.5 3/14/16 - Found another small bug that was causing some issues with the app not loading, and made some adjustments to hopefully correct it. - 1.0.4 3/7/16 - Reworked the auto placement algorithms to be more efficient and increase loading speed. Also made a few other optimization tweaks to improve performance and stability. One issue that was brought up was that the app could sometimes appear to not start when generating the ships, there is now a loading message that shows that the app has started and is loading. Sometimes this can take a bit while generating the ships if CB's servers are running slow, so please keep that in mind. Thanks to those who continue to use my apps! As always, if you find bugs or have suggestions please leave a comment below or send me an email. - 1.0.3 9/21/15 - Fixed a major issue that would not allow the app to start. - 1.0.2 9/21/15 - Fixed a bug where "Ships Remaining" wouldn't show the actual ships remaining. - 1.0.1 8/19/15 - Fixed a few bugs, finished off notifications (gives notification when a user enters room to that user, and lists the Grand Prize when all ships are sunk), also added /stats command. - 1.0.0 8/18/15 - Launch!
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