The real BINGO Game
Real BINGO game
The real BINGO Game
Welcome to the Real Bingo app!
The purpose of the game is to complete all of the numbers on the tickets you own.
Tip a predetermined sum to get a new ticket.
Tip a predetermined sum to cause the app to draw a new number. The numbers are
chosen at random.
If the player succeeds in getting all of the numbers he wins the listed prize.
The commands for the app are:
!h - App help.
!vt - See your tickets.
Broadcaster commands:
!tn - View number of tickets acquired.
!at - View all tickets (Number and user).
!draw - Force free draw.
App Options:
Ticket Row Size
Minimum value: 3
Maximum Value: 10
Default Value: 5
Description: What is the row size of the ticket. Example: A 5 row ticket will have
35 numbers (5*5).
Available numbers
Minimum value: 60
Default Value: 100
Description: The numbers that will be available to be drawn.
Tokens per ticket
Minimum value: 1
Default Value: 100
Description: The number of tokens required to buy a ticket.
Tokens per draw
Minimum value: 1
Default Value: 10
Description: The number of tokens required to draw a number by the app.
Minimum length: 1
Maximum length: 255
Description: The prize that will be given to whoever gets a BINGO.
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