Stacy's Bot App
Author: pamsapm
Description Source Code Launch App Current Users

Short Description:

bot for stacy

Full Description

a varrient of ana bot

ation. The toggle mainly controls if the commands are allowed to be executed.

/useking [on/off]: (mods/bc only) Toggle the setting for whether the All Time King Tipper features are off (parameter="0"), pulled from the configured name or name updated via command (parameter="1"), or pulled from the all-time list (parameter="2"). Overrides the initial setting, and allows you to turn the feature on or off during the show. Note that it cannot be enabled if a King Tipper is not already identified, either from the setting in the bot, or the All Time list. The below command can be used to define the King Tipper during the show.'

/king [amt] [name]: (mods/bc only) Update the king tipper user name and amount, overriding the settings from the launch page. A parameter is required for both the amount and the user, but the amount can be zero if you would not like to show the amount.

/top10 (or /alltimetop10, or /dsptop10) : (all users) Display a listing of the top 10 all time tippers. Sent to the user that requested, unless requested by moderator or broadcaster, then sent to all. This list is presented in the same format as the notice, not in the format needed to paste into the previous show totals field on the launch page (use the "/alltime" command for that).

/alltime (or /listalltime, or /alltimelist) : (mods/bc only) Display the all-time tipper totals, including previous show totals and current totals, in a formatted list that can be copied and pasted into the previous show all time list on the launch page. As noted previously, this list should also be saved outside CB.

T. On-demand Private Shows

This feature allows you to initiate a one-on-one private with a user who may have paid for a show outside of CB, and takes the place of needing to do a password show and provide the password to the user. The cam will be hidden in the same way a ticket show or private does, however there is no tipping required or per minute charge. Also there is no spying on the show.

/startprivate (or /goprivate) [user]: (bc only) The broadcaster initiates the private, and only the user name entered will be able to see the show. The room will be immediately hidden in the same way as a ticket show. Make sure to enter the user's name correctly!

/stopprivate (or /endprivate) : (bc only) End the private hidden cam show and immediately return to public chat.

U. Personalized Icons, Nicknames, and Text Colors

This feature allows you to give special users their own icon (gif) next to their name, a nickname, and chat text color. A personalized icon overrides any user group icons someone may have normally had from the mod group, VIP group, or fanclub.
On the Launch page, in the User Group Icons section, enter a list of the user names, icons, nicknames, and chat text color for any users you would like to give these privileges to, i the defined format. Separate each of the four pieces of a user entry with a slash (/), and put commas (,) between the user entries, with no spaces. Even if no value is entered for the icon or nickname or color, use the slashes with empty values.
User icons should include the ":" prefix, and hex color codes should include the "#" prefix'. See the availabel command for checking colors below in section W.
For example, you could configure the following string for 3 users (using their actual user IDs):
In this example,
- User 1 has a personal icon (:heart2), nickname (sillyguy), and text color (hex color #ff0033)
- User 2 has only an icon
- User 3 has only a text color

/nnlist: (mods/bc only) Display the nickname list that is defined on the bot start page.

/setusericon [username] [:icon]: (mods/bc only) Updates the icon for an existing user icon/nickname/color entry, or adds a new entry with a icon specified. The icon should have the ":" prefix included. A value of "null" (no quotes) can be used to remove an icon setting for a user, including blanking out the group level icon for fans, mods, and VIPs if some users would prefer not to have one.

/setusernn [username] [nickname]: (mods/bc only) Updates the nickname for an existing user icon/nickname/color entry, or adds a new entry with a nickname specified. A value of "null" (no quotes) can be used to remove a nickname setting for a user.

/setusercolor [username] [#000000]: (mods/bc only) Updates the hex color code for an existing user icon/nickname/color entry, or adds a new entry with a color specified. The hex color code should have the "#" prefix included. A value of "null" (no quotes) can be used to remove a color setting for a user.

/setmodicon [:icon]: Update the group icon used for CB moderators to a new value. A value of "null" can be used to clear the existing setting.

/setbotmodicon [:icon]: Update the group icon used for Bot Moderators to a new value. A value of "null" can be used to clear the existing setting.

/setfanicon [:icon]: Update the group icon used for CB Fan Club to a new value. A value of "null" can be used to clear the existing setting.

/setextfanicon [:icon]: Update the group icon used for External Fan Club to a new value. A value of "null" can be used to clear the existing setting.

/setvipicon [:icon]: Update the group icon used for VIPs to a new value. A value of "null" can be used to clear the existing setting.

V. Fembot Moderators

This feature allows you to assign moderator privileges to users in the room without making them officially assigned through CB, so they will not show as red names.
Adding a user to the Fembot Moderator list gives them full moderator privileges for all functions WITHIN THIS BOT ONLY, and a badge icon in the chat (if configured).
Note that "Bot Moderator" privileges in the other Dorothy apps and bots must be assigned there separately. Currently they are only available in the Ultra Fembot, but will be added to the UltraApp and Gamebot shortly.

/addmod [username]: (mods/bc only) Add users to the Fembot Moderator List.

/rmvmod [username]: (mods/bc only) Remove users from the Fembot Moderator List.

/modlist: Displays the list of users currently in the Fembot Moderator list (list will also include broadcaster and CB mods).

W. Followers

The follower feature lets you track and send messaging around new followers within the current session. The bot will always track the followers, and you can turn the response message to the follower and notification message to the broadcaster on and off. The bot can also periodically post a reminder message about following to the chat and also show the broadcaster a count of new followers by user color for the current session along with the reminder, or on demand via a command.
Note that the interval for displaying the "follow" reminder can be updated in the same manner as all other intervals using the /chgint command with the first parameter as "follower" and second parameter as the new interval, such as "/chgint follower 3.2". Note that an interval of "0" will disable the reminder and stats display.

/followers: (mods/bc only) Display the follower stats for the current show on-demand.

/fmt [newtype]: (mods/bc only) Update the flag for which type of messaging is used for each follow: Valid values are "0" for no message, "1" for message to follower only, "2" for message to broadcaster only, and "3" for message to both.

X. Other Commands

/newsubject [title]: (mods/bc only) Update the room subject to a new value [title].

/prv: (mods/bc only) Display the predefined response to private requests in the chat. Message is defined on the launch page.

/checkcolor [bg],[fg]: (mods/bc only) Display a sample message using the colors entered for purposes of experimenting with colors to find a combination you like.
The [bg] is the background or highlight color and the [fg] is the foreground or text color.
The value entered can either be the text value of one of the colors defined in the drop down lists for the bot, or can be a 6 character hex code, including the '#' sign, (something like #FFFFFF).
For example, you could use the command "/checkcolor #cdcdff,#0000ff" or "/checkcolor Light Pink,Dark Pink".

/settings [config group]: (mods/bc only) send a listing of the configuration settings list to the chat for the current user for the config group specified. You can use one of the following config groups: notices, leaders, chat, groups, tipmenu1, tipmenu2, positions, poll, tickets, toys, media, dice, or raffle.

/pricechecklist: (mods/bc only) Display a listing of all the entries in the price checker tool that validates duplicate entries and common tip amounts.

/nocaps [on/off]: (mods/bc only) Toggle the suppression of capitals on and off. One word with capitals is allowed when on, any more than that converts the whole message to lower case and displays a warning to the user.

/chgint [notice type] [new interval]: This command requires two parameters, to define the notice type, and to define the new interval (in minutes), in the format "/chgint [notice type] [new interval]". The [notice type] is one of the values of "notifier", "tipmenu", "posmenu", "poll", "leaders", "alltime", "ticket", "presale", "rules", "media", "toy", "icon", "king", or "dice". The [new interval] is the new display interval in minutes. An example of a valid command would be "/chgint tipmenu 3.2" to update the tip menu interval to 3.2 minutes.

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