// #$^&#%#^ you encrypters!
// --- Additions by MainMonkeyBusiness ---
// (12/16/2018) initial re-forked version
// (3/16/2019) can change goal amount on the fly (not yet!)
// also bolded first line of drawpanel
// (3/17/2019) renamed 'block' progress bar to 'shade', and added real 'block' progress bar
cb['settings_choices'] = [{
name: 'GoalAmount',
label: 'Goal Amount: The token amount for the recurring goal.',
type: 'int',
minValue: 1,
maxValue: 99999,
required: true
}, {
name: 'Subject',
label: 'Subject: The room subject that sits above the cam window.',
type: 'str',
maxLength: 999,
required: true
}, {
name: 'Label3',
label: '---------------------------------- Settings ----------------------------------',
type: 'choice',
required: false
}, {
name: 'colorScheme',
label: 'Choose a color scheme. This will determine the notice colors and the VIP ticket holder highlight color.',
type: 'choice',
choice1: 'red',
choice2: 'orange',
choice3: 'green',
choice4: 'yellow',
choice5: 'original',
choice6: 'purple',
choice7: 'pink',
defaultValue: 'original',
required: true
}, {
name: 'trustedMod',
label: 'Enter the name of the mod(s) you trust with having broadcaster level access, separated by commas.',
type: 'str',
minLength: 1,
maxLength: 1000,
required: false
}, {
name: 'GoalAnnounce',
label: 'Do you want to announce in chat each time the goal is reached?',
type: 'choice',
choice1: 'Yes',
choice2: 'No',
defaultValue: 'Yes'
}, {
name: "barStyle",
type: "choice",
choice1: "stars",
choice2: "shade",
choice3: "hearts",
choice4: "blocks",
defaultValue: "stars",
label: "Choose Graphic Progress Bar style"
var appName = 'GoalCounter-MMB v2.2',
appVersion = '2.2',
logo = ':GCMMB-LOGO-mow',
dev = '19mow89',
devCounter = 0;
var dashLine = '\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014';
var initialize = false;
var goalReached = false,
goalAnnounce = true;
var goalType = 0,
goalAmount = 0,
tillGoal = 0,
goalHit = 0;
var tipAmount = 0,
tokenTotal = 0,
cumTip = 0,
singleTip = 0,
hourlyRecord = 0,
hourlyCount = 1;
var subject = '',
times = ' times';
var cumKing = 'N/A',
singleKing = 'N/A';
var trusted_modArray = [];
var tipArray = {
name: [],
amount: []
hourlyTipsArray = [];
var niceTime = [];
var black = '#000',
white = '#FFF',
dkblue = '#001A57',
lightblue = '#ADD8E6';
var systemBG = '#FFECBD',
errorBG = '#FA8072';
var systemIcon = ':bb-system';
var nline = "-----------------------------------------------";
var rfg = 0;
var THIN_SPACE = "\u2009";
var black_circle = "\u25cf"; //
var RIGHT_BLOCK = "\u2595"; //
var LOWER_HALF_BLOCK = "\u2584"; //
var FULL_BLOCK = "\u2588"; //
var MEDIUM_SHADE = "\u2592"; //
var LIGHT_SHADE = "\u2591"; //
var START_STAR = "\u25BF"; //
var HALF_STAR = "\u2606"; //
var FULL_STAR = "\u2605"; //
var HALF_HEART = "\u2661"; //
var FULL_HEART = "\u2665"; //
var progBar = "";
var tipPercent = 0;
String['prototype']['capitalize'] = function() {
return this['charAt'](0)['toUpperCase']() + this['slice'](1)
function addCommas(_0xa6e0x24) {
return (_0xa6e0x24 + '')['replace'](/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+$)/g, '$1,')
function whiteSpace(_0xa6e0x26) {
var _0xa6e0x27 = '';
if (_0xa6e0x26 >= 0 && _0xa6e0x26 < 10) {
_0xa6e0x27 = '\u2008' + '\u2007' ['repeat'](3)
} else {
if (_0xa6e0x26 >= 10 && _0xa6e0x26 < 100) {
_0xa6e0x27 = '\u2008' + '\u2007' ['repeat'](2)
} else {
if (_0xa6e0x26 >= 100 && _0xa6e0x26 < 1000) {
_0xa6e0x27 = '\u2008' + '\u2007' ['repeat'](1)
return _0xa6e0x27
function timeFormat(_0xa6e0x29) {
niceTime[0] = 'There are ';
niceTime[2] = ' hours';
niceTime[4] = ' minutes';
niceTime[6] = ' seconds';
niceTime[7] = ' ';
niceTime[5] = Math['floor']((_0xa6e0x29 / 1000) % 60);
niceTime[3] = Math['floor']((_0xa6e0x29 / 1000 / 60) % 60);
niceTime[1] = Math['floor']((_0xa6e0x29 / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24);
if (niceTime[1] == 1) {
niceTime[0] = 'There is ';
niceTime[2] = ' hour'
if (niceTime[1] == 0 && niceTime[3] == 1) {
niceTime[0] = 'There is '
if (niceTime[1] == 0 && niceTime[3] == 0 && niceTime[5] == 1) {
niceTime[0] = 'There is '
if (niceTime[3] == 1) {
niceTime[4] = ' minute'
if (niceTime[5] == 1) {
niceTime[6] = ' second'
if (niceTime[1] > 0) {
niceTime[7] = niceTime[1] + niceTime[2];
if (niceTime[3] > 0) {
niceTime[7] += ' and ' + niceTime[3] + niceTime[4]
} else {
if (niceTime[3] > 0) {
niceTime[7] = niceTime[3] + niceTime[4]
if (niceTime[3] > 0 && niceTime[5] > 0) {
niceTime[7] += ' and '
if (niceTime[5] > 0) {
niceTime[7] += niceTime[5] + niceTime[6]
function rebuildMessage(_0xa6e0x2b, _0xa6e0x24) {
rebuild = null;
for (var _0xa6e0x2c = _0xa6e0x24; _0xa6e0x2c < _0xa6e0x2b['length']; _0xa6e0x2c++) {
if (_0xa6e0x2c == _0xa6e0x24) {
rebuild = _0xa6e0x2b[_0xa6e0x2c]
} else {
rebuild += ' ' + _0xa6e0x2b[_0xa6e0x2c]
return rebuild
function appHelp(_0xa6e0x2e, _0xa6e0x2f, _0xa6e0x30) {
var _0xa6e0x31 = '',
_0xa6e0x32 = dashLine + ' ' + logo + ' Help Menu ' + dashLine;
if (_0xa6e0x2e == null) {
_0xa6e0x2e = ''
switch (_0xa6e0x2e) {
case '':
_0xa6e0x31 = _0xa6e0x32 + '\x0A\u25B8Type /goalhelp for more information.';
if (_0xa6e0x2f == 4) {
_0xa6e0x31 += '\x0A\u2022 goalmod\x0A\u2022 goalstats\x0A\u2022 goaltippers'
if (_0xa6e0x2f >= 3) {
_0xa6e0x31 += '\x0A\u2022 goaltheme\x0A\u2022 goalannounce\x0A\u2022 subject'
_0xa6e0x31 += '\x0A\u2022 about';
cb['sendNotice'](_0xa6e0x31, _0xa6e0x30, '', noticeFG);
case 'goalmod':
_0xa6e0x31 = _0xa6e0x32 + '\x0A\u2022 goalmod: Used to grant a mod broadcaster level access to the ' + appName + ' app. Such mods will be able to access most of the app\'s commands in order to assist the broadcaster.\x0A\u2022 The available options are "add", "remove", "list", and "export". Export prints a string which can be pasted into the field on the launch page to save the names and grant access each time the bot is started.';
if (trusted_modArray['length'] == 0) {
_0xa6e0x31 += '\x0A\u2022 Currently, no one has broadcaster level access to the ' + appName + ' app.'
} else {
if (trusted_modArray['length'] == 1) {
_0xa6e0x31 += '\x0A\u2022 Currently, ' + trusted_modArray + ' has broadcaster level access to the ' + appName + ' app.'
} else {
if (trusted_modArray['length'] > 1) {
_0xa6e0x31 += '\x0A\u2022 Currently, ' + trusted_modArray['join'](', ')['replace'](/,(?!.*,)/gmi, ' and') + ' have broadcaster level access to the ' + appName + ' app.'
_0xa6e0x31 += '\x0A\u2022 Format: /goalmod add/remove OR /goalmod list/export';
cb['sendNotice'](_0xa6e0x31, _0xa6e0x30, '', noticeFG);
case 'goalstats':
cb['sendNotice'](_0xa6e0x32 + '\x0A\u2022 goalstats: Used to display a collection of useful statitstics including the amount of tokens tipped and the monitary equivilant, the highest cumulative and single tippers, and a breakdown of tokens earned per hour.\x0A\u2022 Format: /goalstats', _0xa6e0x30, '', noticeFG);
case 'goaltippers':
cb['sendNotice'](_0xa6e0x32 + '\x0A\u2022 goaltippers: Used to display a complete list of tippers and the amount tipped.\x0A\u2022 Format: /goaltippers', _0xa6e0x30, '', noticeFG);
case 'goaltheme':
cb['sendNotice'](_0xa6e0x32 + '\x0A\u2022 goaltheme: Used to change the app\'s color theme.\x0A\u2022 The available options are red, yellow, green, orange, purple, original, and pink.\x0A\u2022 Format: /goaltheme ', _0xa6e0x30, '', noticeFG);
case 'goalannounce':
_0xa6e0x31 = _0xa6e0x32 + '\x0A\u2022 goalannounce: Used to toggle the goal announcement on or off.';
if (goalAnnounce) {
_0xa6e0x31 += '\x0A\u2022 The goal announcements are currently turned on.'
} else {
_0xa6e0x31 += '\x0A\u2022 The goal announcements are currently turned off.'
_0xa6e0x31 += '\x0A\u2022 Format /goalannounce';
cb['sendNotice'](_0xa6e0x31, _0xa6e0x30, '', noticeFG);
case 'subject':
_0xa6e0x31 = _0xa6e0x32 + '\x0A\u2022 subject: Used to change the room subject.';
if (subject) {
_0xa6e0x31 += '\x0A\u2022 The subject is currently set to "' + subject + '".'
_0xa6e0x31 += '\x0A\u2022 Format:: /subject ';
cb['sendNotice'](_0xa6e0x31, _0xa6e0x30, '', noticeFG);
case 'about':
cb['sendNotice']('....... ' + logo, _0xa6e0x30, white, white);
_0xa6e0x31 = '\u2022 GoalCounter-MMB v2.2 is a simple yet full-featured recurring goal counter.';
if (_0xa6e0x2f == 4) {
_0xa6e0x31 += '\x0A\u2022 Creator: boondog19 || Editors: mainmonkeybuisness, 19mow89.' + '\x0A\u2022 If you have any questions about or suggestions for this app, feel free to either leave a comment on the app page or send me a tweet @19mow89.'
cb['sendNotice'](_0xa6e0x31, _0xa6e0x30, '', noticeFG);
case 'goalhelp':
cb['sendNotice'](_0xa6e0x32 + '\x0A\u2022 goalhelp: Displays the help menu. What did you think it would do?\x0A\u2022 Format: /goalhelp ', _0xa6e0x30, '', noticeFG);
cb['sendNotice'](_0xa6e0x32 + '\x0A\u2022 ' + _0xa6e0x2e + ' is not an available command.', _0xa6e0x30, errorBG, black)
function trustedMod(_0xa6e0x2e, _0xa6e0x34, _0xa6e0x35) {
switch (_0xa6e0x2e) {
case 'add':
if (_0xa6e0x34) {
if (!cbjs['arrayContains'](trusted_modArray, _0xa6e0x34)) {
cb['sendNotice'](systemIcon + ' You just granted ' + _0xa6e0x34['capitalize']() + ' broadcaster level access to the ' + appName + ' app.', _0xa6e0x35, noticeBG, black);
cb['sendNotice'](_0xa6e0x35['capitalize']() + ' just granted you broadcaster level access to the ' + appName + ' app.', _0xa6e0x34, noticeBG, black)
} else {
cb['sendNotice'](_0xa6e0x34['capitalize']() + ' already has broadcaster level access to the ' + appName + ' app.', _0xa6e0x35, errorBG, black)
} else {
cb['sendNotice']('You did not specify a viewer to grant broadcaster level access to.', _0xa6e0x35, errorBG, black)
case 'remove':
if (_0xa6e0x34) {
if (cbjs['arrayContains'](trusted_modArray, _0xa6e0x34)) {
cb['sendNotice'](_0xa6e0x35['capitalize']() + ' just revoked your broadcaster level access to the ' + appName + ' app.', _0xa6e0x34, noticeBG, black);
_0xa6e0x34 = _0xa6e0x34['toLowerCase']();
var _0xa6e0x36 = trusted_modArray['indexOf'](_0xa6e0x34);
trusted_modArray['splice'](_0xa6e0x36, 1);
cb['sendNotice'](systemIcon + ' You just revoked ' + _0xa6e0x34['capitalize']() + '\'s broadcaster level access to the ' + appName + ' app.', _0xa6e0x35, noticeBG, black)
} else {
cb['sendNotice'](_0xa6e0x34['capitalize']() + ' does not have broadcaster level access to the ' + appName + ' app.', _0xa6e0x35, errorBG, black)
} else {
cb['sendNotice']('You did not specify a viewer to revoke boradcaster level access from.', _0xa6e0x35, errorBG, black)
case 'list':
var _0xa6e0x37 = dashLine + ' Mods with broadcaster level access ' + dashLine;
if (trusted_modArray['length'] === 0) {
_0xa6e0x37 += '\x0A\u2022 No users have broadcaster level access.'
for (var _0xa6e0x38 = 0; _0xa6e0x38 < trusted_modArray['length']; _0xa6e0x38++) {
_0xa6e0x37 += '\x0A\u2022 ' + trusted_modArray[_0xa6e0x38]['capitalize']()
cb['sendNotice'](_0xa6e0x37, _0xa6e0x35);
case 'export':
cb['sendNotice']('Goal Mods: ' + trusted_modArray['join'](', '), _0xa6e0x35);
cb['sendNotice']('Invalid option! The available options are "add", "remove", "list", and "export".', _0xa6e0x35, errorBG, black)
function moneyConvert(_0xa6e0x26) {
var _0xa6e0x3a = (_0xa6e0x26 * 0.05)['toFixed'](2);
var _0xa6e0x3b = addCommas(_0xa6e0x26) + ' tokens (' + addCommas(_0xa6e0x3a)+ ')';
return _0xa6e0x3b;
function hourlyTipping() {
var _0xa6e0x3d = tipArray['amount']['reduce'](function(_0xa6e0x3e, _0xa6e0x3f) {
return _0xa6e0x3e + _0xa6e0x3f
}, 0);
var _0xa6e0x40 = hourlyTipsArray['reduce'](function(_0xa6e0x3e, _0xa6e0x3f) {
return _0xa6e0x3e + _0xa6e0x3f
}, 0);
var _0xa6e0x41 = _0xa6e0x3d - _0xa6e0x40;
if (hourlyTipsArray[hourlyRecord] == null) {
hourlyTipsArray[hourlyRecord] += _0xa6e0x41;
if (hourlyCount == 12) {
hourlyCount = 1
} else {
function showStats(_0xa6e0x35) {
var _0xa6e0x43 = dashLine + ' ' + appName + ' Statistics ' + dashLine,
_0xa6e0x44 = '\x0A\u2022 Tokens earned per hour (updated every 5 minutes).';
var _0xa6e0x3d = tipArray['amount']['reduce'](function(_0xa6e0x3e, _0xa6e0x3f) {
return _0xa6e0x3e + _0xa6e0x3f
}, 0);
var _0xa6e0x45 = Date['parse'](new Date()) - appStart;
_0xa6e0x43 += '\x0A\u2022 The app has been going for ' + niceTime[7] + '.';
_0xa6e0x43 += '\x0A\u2022 Highest tipper: ' + cumKing + ' with ' + moneyConvert(cumTip) + '\x0A\u2022 Highest single tip: ' + singleKing + ' with ' + moneyConvert(singleTip) + '\x0A\u2022 Total number of tippers: ' + tipArray['name']['length'] + '\x0A\u2022 Total received: ' + moneyConvert(_0xa6e0x3d);
for (var _0xa6e0x38 = 0; _0xa6e0x38 < hourlyTipsArray['length']; _0xa6e0x38++) {
_0xa6e0x44 += '\x0A\u2007\u2007\u25E6 Hour ' + (_0xa6e0x38 + 1) + ': ' + whiteSpace(hourlyTipsArray[_0xa6e0x38]) + moneyConvert(hourlyTipsArray[_0xa6e0x38])
cb['sendNotice'](_0xa6e0x43 + _0xa6e0x44, _0xa6e0x35, '', noticeFG)
function statTimer() {
cb['setTimeout'](hourlyTipping, 300000)
function tipPopulate(_0xa6e0x26, _0xa6e0x48) {
if (cbjs['arrayContains'](tipArray['name'], _0xa6e0x48)) {
var _0xa6e0x36 = tipArray['name']['indexOf'](_0xa6e0x48);
tipArray['amount'][_0xa6e0x36] += _0xa6e0x26
} else {
function tipLeader(_0xa6e0x26, _0xa6e0x48) {
var _0xa6e0x36 = tipArray['name']['indexOf'](_0xa6e0x48);
if (tipArray['amount'][_0xa6e0x36] > cumTip && tipArray['amount'][_0xa6e0x36] > 100) {
cumKing = _0xa6e0x48;
cumTip = tipArray['amount'][_0xa6e0x36]
if (_0xa6e0x26 > 100 && _0xa6e0x26 > singleTip) {
singleKing = _0xa6e0x48;
singleTip = _0xa6e0x26
function sortTippers() {
var _0xa6e0x4b, _0xa6e0x4c, _0xa6e0x4d;
var _0xa6e0x4e = tipArray['amount']['length'] - 1;
do {
_0xa6e0x4b = false;
for (x = 0; x < _0xa6e0x4e; x++) {
if (tipArray['amount'][x] < tipArray['amount'][x + 1]) {
_0xa6e0x4c = tipArray['amount'][x];
_0xa6e0x4d = tipArray['name'][x];
tipArray['amount'][x] = tipArray['amount'][x + 1];
tipArray['name'][x] = tipArray['name'][x + 1];
tipArray['amount'][x + 1] = _0xa6e0x4c;
tipArray['name'][x + 1] = _0xa6e0x4d;
_0xa6e0x4b = true
} while (_0xa6e0x4b);
function showTippers(_0xa6e0x35) {
var _0xa6e0x4e = tipArray['name']['length'];
var _0xa6e0x50 = dashLine + ' ' + appName + ' Tippers ' + dashLine;
var _0xa6e0x3d = tipArray['amount']['reduce'](function(_0xa6e0x3e, _0xa6e0x3f) {
return _0xa6e0x3e + _0xa6e0x3f
}, 0),
_0xa6e0x51 = Math['floor']((0.20 * _0xa6e0x4e)),
_0xa6e0x52 = 0;
if (_0xa6e0x4e == 0) {
_0xa6e0x50 += '\x0A\u2022 No users have tipped yet.'
} else {
_0xa6e0x50 += '\x0A\u2022\u2008 Users who tipped: ' + _0xa6e0x4e + ' \u2022 Total: ' + moneyConvert(_0xa6e0x3d);
for (var _0xa6e0x38 = 0; _0xa6e0x38 < _0xa6e0x4e; _0xa6e0x38++) {
if (_0xa6e0x38 + 1 <= _0xa6e0x51) {
_0xa6e0x52 += tipArray['amount'][_0xa6e0x38]
_0xa6e0x50 += '\x0A' + (_0xa6e0x38 < 9 ? '\u2007' + (_0xa6e0x38 + 1) : (_0xa6e0x38 + 1)) + '. ' + tipArray['name'][_0xa6e0x38] + ': ' + moneyConvert(tipArray['amount'][_0xa6e0x38]);
if (_0xa6e0x38 + 1 == _0xa6e0x51) {
_0xa6e0x50 += '\x0A\u2022\u2008 Pareto Line: ' + _0xa6e0x52 + ' tokens (' + ((_0xa6e0x52 / _0xa6e0x3d) * 100)['toFixed'](2) + '%)'
cb['sendNotice'](_0xa6e0x50, _0xa6e0x35, '', noticeFG)
function colorScheme(_0xa6e0x2e, _0xa6e0x35) {
switch (_0xa6e0x2e) {
case 'red':
noticeFG = '#DA6D6D';
noticeBG = '#FF9C9C';
cb['sendNotice'](systemIcon + ' You just switched ' + appName + ' to the ' + _0xa6e0x2e + ' theme.', _0xa6e0x35, noticeBG, black);
case 'orange':
noticeFG = '#E19822';
noticeBG = '#FFDF9C';
cb['sendNotice'](systemIcon + ' You just switched ' + appName + ' to the ' + _0xa6e0x2e + ' theme.', _0xa6e0x35, noticeBG, black);
case 'yellow':
noticeFG = '#E4DF46';
noticeBG = '#FFFFC5';
cb['sendNotice'](systemIcon + ' You just switched ' + appName + ' to the ' + _0xa6e0x2e + ' theme.', _0xa6e0x35, noticeBG, black);
case 'green':
noticeFG = '#8BC093';
noticeBG = '#C7E3CB';
cb['sendNotice'](systemIcon + ' You just switched ' + appName + ' to the ' + _0xa6e0x2e + ' theme.', _0xa6e0x35, noticeBG, black);
case 'original':
noticeFG = '#d5ebf8';
noticeBG = '#f2f9fd';
cb['sendNotice'](systemIcon + ' You just switched ' + appName + ' to the ' + _0xa6e0x2e + ' theme.', _0xa6e0x35, noticeBG, black);
case 'purple':
noticeFG = '#BE91CE';
noticeBG = '#DCC7E3';
cb['sendNotice'](systemIcon + ' You just switched ' + appName + ' to the ' + _0xa6e0x2e + ' theme.', _0xa6e0x35, noticeBG, black);
case 'pink':
noticeFG = '#FFB3FF';
noticeBG = '#FFE6FF';
cb['sendNotice'](systemIcon + ' You just switched ' + appName + ' to the ' + _0xa6e0x2e + ' theme.', _0xa6e0x35, noticeBG, black);
case 'michigan':
noticeFG = '#00274c';
noticeBG = '#ffcb05';
cb['sendNotice'](systemIcon + ' You just switched ' + appName + ' to the ' + _0xa6e0x2e + ' theme.', _0xa6e0x35, noticeBG, black);
cb['sendNotice']('\u2022 Invalid entry, the available options are "red", "green", "blue", "purple", "orange", "original", and "black".', _0xa6e0x35, errorBG, black)
function changeSubject(_0xa6e0x55, _0xa6e0x35) {
if (_0xa6e0x55) {
subject = _0xa6e0x55['capitalize']();
} else {
cb['sendNotice']('The subject cannot be blank!', _0xa6e0x35, errorBG, black)
cb['onMessage'](function(_0xa6e0x56) {
var _0xa6e0x57 = _0xa6e0x56['user'];
var _0xa6e0x58 = _0xa6e0x57 == cb['room_slug'];
var _0xa6e0x59 = _0xa6e0x57 == dev;
var _0xa6e0x5a = cbjs['arrayContains'](trusted_modArray, _0xa6e0x57);
if (_0xa6e0x56['m']['charAt'](0) == '/') {
var _0xa6e0x2b = _0xa6e0x56['m']['split'](' ');
_0xa6e0x56['X-Spam'] = true;
_0xa6e0x56['background'] = 'linear-gradient(to right, #fff 7%, #ededed, #d3d3d3 100%)';
switch (_0xa6e0x2b[0]) {
case '/goalmod':
if (_0xa6e0x58 || _0xa6e0x59) {
trustedMod(_0xa6e0x2b[1], _0xa6e0x2b[2], _0xa6e0x57)
} else {
cb['sendNotice']('Only the broadcaster may use this command.', _0xa6e0x57, errorBG, black)
case '/goalstats':
if (_0xa6e0x58 || _0xa6e0x59) {
} else {
cb['sendNotice']('Only the broadcaster may use this command.', _0xa6e0x57, errorBG, black)
case '/goaltippers':
if (_0xa6e0x58 || _0xa6e0x59) {
} else {
cb['sendNotice']('Only the broadcaster may use this command.', _0xa6e0x57, errorBG, black)
case '/goaltheme':
if (_0xa6e0x58 || _0xa6e0x59 || _0xa6e0x5a) {
colorScheme(rebuildMessage(_0xa6e0x2b, 1), _0xa6e0x57)
} else {
cb['sendNotice']('Only the broadcaster and certain moderators may use this command.', _0xa6e0x57, errorBG, black)
case '/goalannounce':
if (_0xa6e0x58 || _0xa6e0x59 || _0xa6e0x5a) {
goalAnnounce = !goalAnnounce;
if (goalAnnounce) {
cb['sendNotice'](systemIcon + ' You just turned on the goal announcements.', _0xa6e0x57, noticeBG, black)
} else {
cb['sendNotice'](systemIcon + ' You just turned off the goal announcements.', _0xa6e0x57, noticeBG, black)
} else {
cb['sendNotice']('Only the broadcaster and certain moderators may use this command.', _0xa6e0x57, errorBG, black)
case '/subject':
if (_0xa6e0x58 || _0xa6e0x59 || _0xa6e0x5a) {
changeSubject(rebuildMessage(_0xa6e0x2b, 1), _0xa6e0x57)
} else {
cb['sendNotice']('Only the broadcaster and certain moderators may use this command.', _0xa6e0x57, errorBG, black)
case '/goalhelp':
if (_0xa6e0x58 || _0xa6e0x59) {
appHelp(_0xa6e0x2b[1], 4, _0xa6e0x57)
} else {
if (_0xa6e0x5a) {
appHelp(_0xa6e0x2b[1], 3, _0xa6e0x57)
} else {
appHelp(_0xa6e0x2b[1], 1, _0xa6e0x57)
case '/newgoal':
if (_0xa6e0x58 || _0xa6e0x59 || _0xa6e0x5a) {
newgoalamount = _0xa6e0x2b[1]; //grab new amount
cb['sendNotice']('The new tip amount (hopefully) is ' + newgoalamount, _0xa6e0x57, systemBG, black)
goalAmount = newgoalamount;
rfg = newgoalamount - tillGoal;
if (rfg < 0) { rfg = 0 };
// cb['sendNotice']('\ngoalAmount has been set to ' + goalAmount, _0xa6e0x57, errorBG, black)
} else {
cb['sendNotice']('Only the broadcaster and certain moderators may use this command.', _0xa6e0x57, errorBG, black)
cb['onTip'](function(_0xa6e0x5b) {
var _0xa6e0x57 = _0xa6e0x5b['from_user'];
tipAmount = Number['parseInt'](_0xa6e0x5b['amount']);
tokenTotal += tipAmount;
tipPopulate(tipAmount, _0xa6e0x57);
tipLeader(tipAmount, _0xa6e0x57);
tillGoal += tipAmount;
if (tillGoal >= goalAmount) {
goalHit += Math['trunc'](tillGoal / goalAmount);
tillGoal = tillGoal % goalAmount;
if (goalHit == 1) {
times = ' time'
} else {
times = ' times'
if (goalAnnounce == true) {
cb['sendNotice'](nline+'\n\u2022 Goal reached ' + goalHit + times + '!\xA0\n'+nline, '', '', "#FF0000", 'bold')
rfg = goalAmount - tillGoal;
cb["onDrawPanel"](function(_0xa6e0x34) {
return {
"template" : "image_template",
"table" : {
"row_1" : {
"background-color" : noticeFG,
"col_1" : {
"color" : "black", // CB dark blue = #0b5d81
"text-align" : "center",
"font-weight" : "bold",
"value" : "Goals Reached: " + goalHit + THIN_SPACE + " \u2022 " + THIN_SPACE + "Current: " + addCommas(tillGoal) + " / " + addCommas(goalAmount)
"row_2" : {
"background-color" : noticeBG,
"col_1" : {
"color" : "black",
"text-align" : "center",
"value" : "Goal Progress: " + progBar + " " + THIN_SPACE + black_circle + THIN_SPACE + " " + tipPercent + "%",
"row_3" : {
"background-color" : noticeFG,
"col_1" : {
"color" : "black",
"text-align" : "center",
"value" : "Remaining for Goal #" + (goalHit+1) + ": " + addCommas(rfg) + THIN_SPACE + " \u2022 " + THIN_SPACE + "Total: " + addCommas(tokenTotal)
cb['onEnter'](function(_0xa6e0x34) {
var _0xa6e0x57 = _0xa6e0x34['user'];
var _0xa6e0x58 = _0xa6e0x57 == cb['room_slug'];
var _0xa6e0x59 = _0xa6e0x57 == dev;
if (_0xa6e0x59) {
if (devCounter == 1) {
cb['sendNotice']('Broadcaster ' + cb['room_slug'] + ' is using ' + logo + ' version ' + appVersion, _0xa6e0x57, '', noticeFG, 'bold')
} else {
if (devCounter >= 2) {
cb['sendNotice'](appName + ': Welcome back, MOW! :hi2-mow', _0xa6e0x57, '', noticeFG, 'bold')
function progressBar() {
progBar = "";
tipPercent = 0;
var oldMillis;
var millis;
var attributes;
var r20;
var _0x6220x29;
var rreturn;
if (tokenTotal > 0) {
tipGoal = goalAmount - rfg;
} else {
tipGoal = 0;
if (cb["settings"]["barStyle"] === "stars") {
_0x6220x29 = HALF_STAR;
rreturn = FULL_STAR;
} else if (cb["settings"]["barStyle"] === "shade") {
_0x6220x29 = MEDIUM_SHADE;
rreturn = FULL_BLOCK;
} else if (cb["settings"]["barStyle"] === "hearts") {
_0x6220x29 = HALF_HEART;
rreturn = FULL_HEART;
} else if (cb["settings"]["barStyle"] === "blocks") {
_0x6220x29 = LOWER_HALF_BLOCK;
if (tipGoal > cb["settings"]["GoalAmount"]) {
tipGoal = cb["settings"]["GoalAmount"];
tipPercent = 100;
} else {
tipPercent = Math["round"](tipGoal / cb["settings"]["GoalAmount"] * 100);
if (tipPercent === 100 && tipGoal % cb["settings"]["GoalAmount"] != 0) {
tipPercent = 99;
oldMillis = (tipPercent - tipPercent % 10) / 10;
millis = tipPercent % 10 > 0 ? 1 : 0;
attributes = 10 - (oldMillis + millis);
progBar += charRepeat(rreturn, oldMillis);
if (millis === 1) {
progBar += _0x6220x29;
} else {
progBar += "";
progBar += charRepeat(r20, attributes);
function charRepeat(regex, opt_attributes) {
var optsData = "";
for (var i = 1; i <= opt_attributes; i++) {
optsData += regex;
return optsData;
function startup() {
if (initialize == false) {
initialize = true;
appStart = Date['parse'](new Date());
goalAmount = cb['settings']['GoalAmount'];
if (cb['settings']['Subject']) {
subject = cb['settings']['Subject']['capitalize']();
if (cb['settings']['GoalAnnounce'] == 'Yes') {
goalAnnounce = true
} else {
goalAnnounce = false
colorScheme(cb['settings']['colorScheme'], 'setup');
if (cb['settings']['trustedMod']) {
trusted_modArray = cb['settings']['trustedMod']['split'](', ')
rfg = cb['settings']['GoalAmount'];
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