Tip Goal ++ WITH Anti-Annoyance Blocker + VIP Club + Chat Notice (Single and Repeating) + Tip Game Multi-Round + Tip Color Control. This is an all-in-one app that does so much more than the original Tip Goal++. Read description for full explanation.
Tip Goal ++ WITH Anti-Annoyance Blocker + VIP Club + Chat Notice (Single and Repeating) + Tip Game Multi-Round + Tip Game Mode + Tip Color Control. This is an all-in-one app that does so much more than the original Tip Goal++. Many commands added to allow the broadcaster to adjust settings without restarting the app.
This app was originally intended merely to increase the number of characters permitted in the field for spam words. However, it has become much more than that over time.
This app is built on the Tip Goal ++ (credit to 'i_love_cora' for Tip Goal ++).
The original app that we used as a template incoporated some spam words features, a blapp feature, and highlighted the background colors of the users who were highest tip and highest tip total.
We found a bug in the blapp code that allowed a user to be added to the blapp list multiple times, making it more difficult to unblapp a user. There were also no restrictions to prevent a moderator from blapping themselves, so we corrected the code so that it more closely resembled the newer logic in the original 'blap' application and also included some additional commands for the broadcaster. It now behaves in the following manner:
- Broadcaster may now turn blapp ON/OFF using a chat command - "/bla on", "/bla off", "/bla" (returns the current status of blapp.
- Broadcaster may now peek to see what a blapped user is really saying. (This is more for debugging and testing, but some may find it helpful. Only the broadcaster can see what the blapped user is saying.) Commands = "/bla show" and "/bla hide"
- Broadcaster and moderators may blapp or unblapp users or view a list of users currently blapped. Commands = "/blapp [username]", "/unblapp [username]", "/listblapped" (shows list of all currently blapped users).
- Moderators may not blapp themselves. However, if they are accidentally blapped, they have the ability to unblapp themselves.
- Anyone except the broadcaster is blappable.
This is where our application begins to do much much more...
TIP MODE (5 modes)
The app has 5 Tip Game Modes: [Tip Boss], [Highest Tip Total / Highest Tip Amount], [Highest Tip Total / Last Tip Amount], [Highest Tip Amount / Last Tip Amount], [Stealth Mode / No Panel Displayed]. The mode selected determines how background colors are applied to users who tipped. Mode is set at application run and may be changed during application run.
- "/MODE [0-3]" - Toggle to New Tip Mode option
- "/MODE" - Display current mode option
The app has a voice mode that requires that users have tokens or have tipped during the show in order to be granted the ability to talk in chat. This feature is intended to keep greys at bay if the broadcaster would prefer to not engage users who cannot tip.
The broadcaster sees the posted text via a notice command, but the blocked text is not visible to others in the room.
The feature takes into consideration the moderators and VIP Club users, who may talk without restriction. Blue users who go grey by tipping the broadcaster continue to have voice during the broadcast.
The broadcaster (or moderators) may grant "voice" to any user in the room. This is useful if the broadcaster sees that a "good" grey user has entered the room and wishes to grant the user "voice" without making them a moderator or a VIP Club user.
The voice mode feature is off by default. To toggle this feature, simply use the following command:
- "/VOICEMODE [ON/OFF]" - Toggle voice mode on or off
- "/VOICEMODE" - Display current voice mode status.
Voice mode includes the following additional commands:
- "/VOICE [username]" - Grant voice to a username
- "/UNVOICE [username]" - Revoke voice from a username
- "/LISTVOICE" - Show current list of users granted voice.
When activated, these features blocks the following from regular users (anyone except the broadcaster, the mods, and the specified vip usernames), and it also sends a private notice to the user explaining the reason why their post was denied.
- block any post containing too many capital letters
- block any post containing 'sticky key words' - example: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
- block any post containing disallowed words and phrases.
- block images [removes the image tag from the posted message] and disallows the post completely if all the user tried to do was post an image tag.
In testing, we found that even without the spam words and spam phrase filters turned on, the anti-annoyance features will make most rooms more managable. Troublesome greys and rude blues will no longer be an issue in your room.
The broadcaster may control the functionality of each of the anti-annoyance features using the following chat commands:
"/emote on" - Set anti emoticon to "yes"
"/emote off" - Set anti emoticon to "no"
"/emote" - Display current status of anti emoticon to broadcaster
"/spam on" - Set anti spam to "yes"
"/spam off" - Set anti spam to "no"
"/spam" - Display current status of anti spam to broadcaster.
"/spam show" - Debug/testing command. Shows the blocked spam message to the broadcaster.
"/spam hide" - Disables the debug "/spam show command"
"shout on" - Set anti shouting to "yes"
"shout off" - Set anti shouting to "no"
"shout" - Display current status of anti shouting to broadcaster.
"sticky on" - Set anti sticky to "yes"
"sticky off" - Set anti sticky to "no"
"sticky" - Display current status of anti sticky to broadcaster.
Some performers do not make use of the Fan Club feature, but they still have some favorite users that they may want to highlight somehow in chat and provide these users with additional perks. Hence, the VIP Club was created.
When the broadcaster enters a list of usernames in the VIP users field at app launch, these VIP users are granted the following perks:
- Usernames appear green in the chat message window. (They still show as their regular color in the users window. VIP users promoted to Moderator still show as red.)
- Anti-Annoyance filters not applied to VIP users.
- The list may be managed while running the app. There are chat commands to add, remove and list the current VIP users. Commands = "/vip [username]", "/unvip [username]", "/listvip" (provides a count and list of current vip usernames (separated by a space, as they are in the input field at app launch).
Note that the broadcaster would need to periodically update the actual text input options for the VIP usernames at application launch in order to keep it current with users added during broadcast. This is the primary purpose of the "/listvip" command.
GHOST (Give silenced users ability to speak in public again)
Unfortunately, chaturbate doesn't have an unsilence command at the moment, and we've all see accidents happen where the wrong user gets silenced. Normally, a silenced user means they either wait 6 hours or the host is forced to clear the IP addresses, which opens the door to a hoard of previously silenced and banned users.
Well not anymore. We are proud to announce the /ghost commands.
Similar to a /blapp command, but in this case, users added to the list regain the ability to talk (well, moan to the room via a notice command). It isn't perfect, but it will let you give a favored user the ability to talk again without waiting for 6 hours.
"/ghost [username]" - adds a user to the ghost user list
"/unghost [username]" - removes a user to the ghost user list
"/list ghost" - show all users added to the ghost user list
Note that a user doesn't have to be silenced to be made into a ghost user. Try the ghost command on a regular non-silenced user and watch what happens. :)
The broadcaster has the ability to post either a single notice message to the room or a repeating notice message that will repeat at a specified time interval. For repeating messages, the broadcaster may update either the notice text or the time interval for repeating, or the repeating notice may be halted. These are all performed via commands entered into the chat input box.
Tip Goal ++ is a nice app, but we felt it needed the ability for the broadcaster to push the start of a new round without restarting the whole app. We've added commands that may be entered in the chat input box to do any of the following.
"/round next" - Ends the current round and begins a new round. The round number is increased and the tip amount received returns to 0. The goal amount is not altered (the ability to alter the goal amount will be added later). The values and usernames for highest total tipped and highest amount tipped are not reset so that broadcasters may hold multi-round competitions.
"/round tip reset" - This does not end the "current" round number, but it does reset all amounts tipped, the highest total tipped, and the highest amount tipped. It is mostly intended to allow the broadcaster to reset the current round should it become necessary (perhaps due to the users leading in tips going offline might be one case usage).
"/round reset all" - This resets all the tip goal settings. (round returns to 1, tips received, highest total amount tipped, and highest amount tipped are all reset. Use with caution especially if you are already in the midst of a multi-round game of Tip Goal" This does not affect any other app settings.
In Tip Goal ++ there is a default color set to the highest tip and the highest tip total usernames. We have noticed that other versions of Tip Goal give broadcasters a different color option (such as yellow). We've given broadcasters the choice of four colors from which to choose. Broadcasters may set the color at app start and also change either of these two colors while the app is running.
"/color1 [color]" - Set [color] used for color1 value. Choose from: cyan, yellow, green, purple, white, gray. (List of colors subject to periodic updates)
'/color1" - Displays the current color assigned to color1, which is used for Tip Boss and Highest Tip Total.
"/color2 [color]" - Set highest tip total username to [color]. Choose from: cyan, yellow, green, purple, white, gray. (List of colors subject to periodic updates)
"/color2" - Displays the current color assigned to color2, which is used for highest tip amount.
It permits the following configuration input opens on the app launch page:
- token goal amount
- goal description [increased goal description to 1000 characters]
- vip user list [list of vip usernames - field supports up to 1000 characters]
- anti emoticon (yes/no) (If set to yes, disables emoticons for all but the host and mods)
- anti shouting (yes/no) (If set to yes, activates all caps blocking for all but the host and mods)
- anti sticky (yes/no) (If set to yes, activates sticky key blocking for all but the host and mods)
- anti spam (yes/no) (If set to yes, activates both spam word list and spam phrase lists for all but the host, mods and vip users)
- spam words [list of disallowed words]
- spam phrases [list of disallowed phrases]
- blapp option (yes/no)
- highest tip total color (cyan/yellow/green/purple) (set the color for the highest tip total username)
- highest tip color (cyan/yellow/green/purple) (set the color for the highest single tip username)
About Spam Words:
The spam words entered are now blocked regardless of if the user types them uppercase or lowercase. Separate each word by a single space.
About Spam Phrases:
The spam phrases are phrases of words not included as naughty words unto themselves. For instance, you might want to block a specific phrase "open boobs", but you don't want to stop someone from say "open" in normal conversation. You may even choose to all "boobs" to be said in another context, such as a tipper requesting an action related to "boobs".
The spam phrase list is entered with a colon separating each phrase of words in the list. The spam phrases are searched for anywhere in the posted text, so it does not need to include full words. In fact, partial words work best in the spam phrase list.
Phrase List Example:
show boo:show pus:open boo:open pus
In the above list, "show bo" is entered. This will cause the system to block any of the following phrases:
"show boob", "show boobs", "show boobies", "show bobs"
It will not block "show bewbs" because it does not contain "show boo". In order to block that, you would modify your spam phrase list as follows:
Modified Phase List Example:
show boo:show bew:show pus:open boo:open pus
Please remember to only separate each phrase section with a ":". Spaces are only to be used between words within a phrase. It is not a perfect solution, but it may help broadcasters with some common annoyance phrases.
Recent Updates:
- updated anti-emoticon code to remove catches for time inputs and basic smileys. Now looks only for word beginning with : that is followed by at least 3 characters.
- added /SPAM SHOW, /SPAM HIDE, /BLA SHOW, BLA HIDE commands to assist in debugging. Will migrate these to debug log messages later on. For the moment, these permit the host to see what was spam blocked and what blapped users are really saying. Note that these commands are set to [hide] by default.
- fixed blapp code to ensure that the app checks the blapped user list prior to blapping a user. Added code to prevent a user from blapping themselves. Moderators have ability to unblapp themselves.
- added new broadcast command (/NOTICE [message]) - Send a single non-reoccurring notice to the entire room as a notice message. (An update will be added soon that will use the timed message option for posting reoccurring messages to the public chat feed area).
- added vip commands. (/VIP [username]) , (/UNVIP [username]), and (/LISTVIP). The host may also enter a list of vip names at application launch. VIP users appear with green usernames (in the chat message area only), and annoyance filters are not applied to VIP users. This is a middle ground to highlight special users who may just be favored or high tippers in your room.
- added repeat notice command. (/REPEAT [string of text]). The default time interval is 120000 ms (2 minutes). However, you may change this interval with the command. (/REPEATTIME [interval in ms]). I don't recommend setting the interval to less than 2 minutes to keep it from being too annoying in chat. To clear the repeat notice command, simply enter (/repeat ) by itself (note the space afte the command is required at the moment).
- corrected the image block code so that it correctly disallows all instances of :[imageword] tags while permitting very smile ascii smileys [:-)] while not blocking timestamp references [9:00pm]. The emote blocking now just adds a single [Images Disallowed] reference to the user's message and removes all found image tags found in the user's posted message.
- added ghost commands (/ghost [username] and /unghost [username], and /listghost) intended to grant accidentally silenced users the ability to speak without having to clear the banned/silenced IP addresses.
- added tip goal update command. (/tipgoal [amount]) will update the current goal amount.
- added mode commands (/mode [0-3]) to permit broadcaster to switch Tip Game / Panel Modes during application run. Enter [/mode] to display current mode option information.
- updated background color commands. These now use [/color1] and [/color2] as the keywords in order to better support the multiple tip game modes.
Future Development Options:
- Allow broadcaster to modify the tip goal amount using a chat command.
- This would be similar to the VIP / UNVIP options, but it would let the broadcaster modify the spam words and spam phrases without restarting the application. An option would be included to display all current spam words and spam phrases to the broadcaster for reference.
Note that we have found that if a host turns on the rest of the anti-annoyance features, we have found that the anti-spam option is not really needed. It will stay with the app, but we may find better ways to refine how it works.
- Allow users in the room to spend tokens to buy a strip of ducttape that can be used against another user in the room. This creates the effect of silencing the other user for a pre-determined amount of time. Users would not be able to use this feature against moderators or the broadcaster. It may have only a lesser effect on VIP Club Members. Command should publicly notify the room that a user has been ducttaped by a user in the room. An alternative option would let the user purchase a strip of stealth ducttape, which would allow the user to ducttape the victim anonymously.
- Allow users to spend tokens to buy some ducttape remover, which is good for removing one ducttape strip (if they have been ducttaped by another user in the room). Purchasing this option immediately lets the user begin to speak publicly in the room. Command should publicly notify the room that a user has used ducttape remover to remove their strip of ducttape.
- Allow broadcaster to turn the DUCTTAPE option ON or OFF during the application run.
If you have other suggestions for future development, please advise. :)
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