Lets you create a Tip Menu for your Viewers, with optional or recurring goal.
This App lets you create a Tip Menu for your Viewers, which they can see by typing '/menu' in the chat.
Menu items are sorted by price. You can have Up to 42 Menu Items, but you need at least 2.
Set the price, and what you'll do, for example;
Item 1: Flash Boobies
Price 1: 50tks
Item 2: Flash Pussy
Price 2: 100tks
Make sure each item has a different price, and leave any unwanted menu items blank.
A random menu Item and Price will be displayed under your video.
===Chat Commands===
/menu = Displays the Full Tip Menu to the user who typed /menu, but not the rest of the room.
/showmenu = Displays the Full Tip Menu to the whole room, only usable by the broadcaster.
=== Goal Options ===
You have 3 Options for a Goal with this app.
No Goal : The game can just run on and on without an end.
Goal : Standard Goal, Counts up to your chosen goal amount then displays a "Goal Reached!" Chat message when reached.
Auto-Reset Goal : Goal counts all tips up to your Chosen goal amount, then resets back to 0 so you can start over.
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