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// vars var last_tip_username = null; var next_tip_amount = 1; var goal_reached = false; // var version = 10 // Limit goal description as we add some text cb.settings_choices = [ { name: 'goal_description', type: 'str', minLength: 1, maxLength: 190 }, { name: 'goal_value', type: 'int', minValue: 1, maxValue: 100, default: 50 }, { name: 'order', type: 'choice', choice1: 'ascending', choice2: 'descending', default: 'ascending' } ]; cb.onTip( function (tip) { var diff = tip['amount']; while ((diff > 0) && (!checkGoalReached())) { diff -= next_tip_amount; if (diff >= 0) { // We set the last tipper only if the tip was counted // (not optimal to do it as many times as the tip counted though) last_tip_username = tip['from_user']; setNextTipNeeded(); } } update_subject(); cb.drawPanel(); } ); cb.onDrawPanel( function (user) { if (checkGoalReached()) { return { 'template': '3_rows_11_21_31', 'row1_value': 'Goal reached!', 'row2_value': '', 'row3_value': 'Thanks to all tippers' }; } else { if (isAscendingOrder()) { return { 'template': '3_rows_of_labels', 'row1_label': 'Next Tip Needed:', 'row1_value': next_tip_amount, 'row2_label': 'Last Tip From:', 'row2_value': format_username(last_tip_username), 'row3_label': 'Ascending:', 'row3_value': 'From 1 to ' + cb.settings.goal_value }; } else { return { 'template': '3_rows_of_labels', 'row1_label': 'Next Tip Needed:', 'row1_value': next_tip_amount, 'row2_label': 'Last Tip From:', 'row2_value': format_username(last_tip_username), 'row3_label': 'Descending:', 'row3_value': 'From ' + cb.settings.goal_value + ' to 0' }; } } } ); // helper functions function update_subject() { if (goal_reached) { return; } var new_subject = ""; if (checkGoalReached()) { new_subject = cb.settings.goal_description + " [Goal reached! Thanks to all tippers.]"; goal_reached = true; } else { if (isAscendingOrder()) { new_subject = cb.settings.goal_description + " [Tip in ascending order from 1 to " + cb.settings.goal_value + ". Next tip needed: " + next_tip_amount + "]"; } else { new_subject = cb.settings.goal_description + " [Tip in descending order from " + cb.settings.goal_value + " to 0. Next tip needed: " + next_tip_amount + "]"; } } cb.changeRoomSubject(new_subject); } function format_username(val) { if (val === null) { return "--"; } else { return val.substring(0, 12); } } function isAscendingOrder() { return (cb.settings.order == 'ascending'); } function setNextTipNeeded() { if (isAscendingOrder()) { next_tip_amount++; } else { next_tip_amount--; } } function checkGoalReached() { if (isAscendingOrder()) { return (next_tip_amount > cb.settings.goal_value); } else { return (next_tip_amount <= 0); } } function init() { if (isAscendingOrder()) { next_tip_amount = 1; } else { next_tip_amount = cb.settings.goal_value; } update_subject(); } init();
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