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King of Tips
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var total_tipped = 0; var startup_time = new Date(); var scores = { _data:[], _last_king:null, increment:function (username, amount) { var score = scores._pop_user(username); score += amount; scores._insert_score_keeping_sort(username, score); scores._check_for_king_change(); }, is_user_king:function (username) { return scores._last_king == username; }, _check_for_king_change:function () { if (scores._data.length == 0) { if (scores._last_king != null && cb.settings.remove_king_when == 'score decays to 0') { cb.chatNotice(scores._last_king + " is no longer the king."); scores._last_king = null; } return; } var king = scores._data[0].username; if (king != scores._last_king) { if (scores._data[0].score >= cb.settings.tokens_per_minute_to_be_king) { cb.chatNotice(king + " is the new king."); scores._last_king = king; return; } } if (scores._last_king != null && cb.settings.remove_king_when == 'score decays to 0' && scores.score_for(scores._last_king) == 0) { cb.chatNotice(scores._last_king + " is no longer the king."); scores._last_king = null; return; } }, score_for:function (username) { for (var i = 0; i < scores._data.length; i++) { if (scores._data[i].username == username) { return scores._data[i].score; } } return 0; }, get_current_king:function () { return scores._last_king; }, _insert_score_keeping_sort:function (username, score) { var row = {score:score, username:username}; for (var i = 0; i < scores._data.length; i++) { if (score > scores._data[i].score) { scores._data.splice(i, 0, row); return; } } scores._data.push(row); }, _pop_user:function (username) { for (var i = 0; i < scores._data.length; i++) { if (scores._data[i].username == username) { var s = scores._data[i]; scores._data.splice(i, 1); return s.score; } } return 0; }, send_stats:function (to_user) { cb.chatNotice("== King of Tips Scores (Top 10) ==", to_user); var len = scores._data.length; if (len > 10) { len = 10; } for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { cb.chatNotice(scores._data[i].username + ": (" + Math.ceil(scores._data[i].score) + " pts)", to_user); } if (len == 0) { cb.chatNotice("Nobody has any points. Send tips to get points.", to_user); } else { cb.chatNotice("All scores decay " + cb.settings.tokens_per_minute_to_be_king + " every minute.", to_user); } var seconds_running = ((new Date()).getTime() - startup_time.getTime()) / 1000; if (seconds_running == 0) { seconds_running = 1; } cb.chatNotice("King of tips has been running for " + Math.round(seconds_running / 36)/100 + " hours and has counted " + total_tipped + " tokens.", to_user); cb.chatNotice("Kings will remain until " + cb.settings.remove_king_when + ".", to_user); }, decay:function () { var decay_amount = cb.settings.tokens_per_minute_to_be_king / 6; for (var i = 0; i < scores._data.length; i++) { scores._data[i].score -= decay_amount; if (scores._data[i].score <= 0) { scores._data.splice(i, 1); } } scores.schedule_decay(); scores._check_for_king_change(); cb.drawPanel(); }, schedule_decay:function () { setTimeout(scores.decay, 10000); } }; scores.schedule_decay(); // Chaturbate hooks cb.settings_choices = [ {name:'tokens_per_minute_to_be_king', type:'int', minValue:1, maxValue:99, default:5}, {name:'remove_king_when', type:'choice', choice1:'someone else outbids', choice2:'score decays to 0', default:5} ]; cb.onDrawPanel(function (user) { var king = scores.get_current_king(); if (user == cb.room_slug) { if (king == null) { var kingstr = "--"; } else { var kingstr = king + " (" + Math.ceil(scores.score_for(king)) + " pts)" } return { 'template':'3_rows_12_22_31', 'row1_label':'King of Tips:', 'row1_value':kingstr, 'row2_label':'Total Tokens Earned:', 'row2_value':"" + total_tipped + ' Tokens', 'row3_value':'Type /stats for more information.' }; } else if (user == king) { var lead = scores.score_for(user); if (scores._data.length >= 2) { lead -= scores._data[1].score; } return { 'template':'3_rows_11_21_31', 'row1_value':'Welcome to King of Tips!', 'row2_value':'You Are King! Lead: ' + Math.ceil(lead) + ' Tokens', 'row3_value':'Type /stats for more information.' }; } else { var tip_required = cb.settings.tokens_per_minute_to_be_king; if (king != null) { var kingscore = scores.score_for(king); if (kingscore >= tip_required) { tip_required = kingscore + 1; } } tip_required -= scores.score_for(user); return { 'template':'3_rows_11_21_31', 'row1_value':'Welcome to King of Tips!', 'row2_value':'Tip required to become king: ' + Math.ceil(tip_required) + ' Tokens', 'row3_value':'Type /stats for more information.' }; } }); cb.onTip(function (tip) { scores.increment(tip['from_user'], parseInt(tip['amount'])); total_tipped += parseInt(tip['amount']) cb.drawPanel(); }); cb.onMessage(function (msg) { if (scores.is_user_king(msg['user'])) { msg['background'] = '#9F9'; } if (msg['m'] == '/stats') { msg['X-Spam'] = true; scores.send_stats(msg['user']); } return msg; });
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